An inter­ac­ti­ve map for the alpi­ne anti­bio­tic resis­tance in the Tyro­lean moun­tain area

Defensive Mechanisms

Defen­si­ve stra­te­gies of bac­te­ria against harmful sub­s­tances are as diver­se as the mecha­nisms of action of exis­ting anti­bio­tics. What is unknown to many: apart from the anthro­po­ge­ni­cal­ly dri­ven anti­bio­tic resis­tance, many micro­or­ga­nism car­ry a so cal­led intrin­sic resistance. 
Antibiotic resistance mechanisms
Alpine Antibiotic Resistance

Tyrolean Alps

The Tyro­lean Alps are the per­fect place to inves­ti­ga­te the poten­ti­al of bac­te­ria from “remo­te” regi­ons to grow despi­te the pre­sence of anti­mi­cro­bi­al sub­s­tances. Espe­ci­al­ly snow and ice from non-ski­ing are­as can be con­side­red more or less untouch­ed by humans. Thus, they pro­vi­de important data about intrin­sic anti­bio­tic resis­tance. On the other hand, ful­ly deve­lo­ped alpi­ne spaces give us the per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty to eva­lua­te the anthro­po­ge­nic influence on the­se cold habitats.